By Car

This map shows Okayama Momotaro Airport and its surroundings. (Use this map to verify detailed road information near the airport.)

Location:1277 Nichioji, Kita Ward, Okayama City, 701-1131
Use the above address when searching with car navigation systems.

Access to Okayama Momotaro Airport from Major I.C.s

Times may vary greatly depending on road conditions and weather. Please adjust departure times accordingly.

Parking Lot

Okayama Momotaro Airport offers two parking areas: Parking Lot No. 1 (fee; 293 spaces) and Parking Lot No. 2–4
(free; 2,885 spaces).
Feel free to use whichever lot you wish.

Quick-charge Stations for Electric Cars

Currently the device is broken and cannot be used.
It is uncertain when it will be available again.
There is one rapid charging station for electric vehicles that may be used for free.
(About 30min to reach 80% charge.)

East side of the terminal building
Usage hours:
7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.(Open year-round)
※Service may be suspended for safety reasons,
 such as during rainstorms.
Usage fee:
Car Rental
Phone number
Phone number